Happy Birthday to Our Sprightly Canine Mascot Frida!

As many of your know, Frida is our quirky and lovable mascot here at Coalition Technologies. She supplies the office with a boundless abundance of affection and entertainment, and provides the following essential services:

  • Informing us when a visitor arrives…at the top of her lungs.
  • Disposing of leftover food…at least she tries.
  • Protecting the staff from potential threats, like red rubber balls.
  • Implementing custom HTML5 developments on behalf of clients (maybe not).

Yesterday was Frida’s 6th birthday, and we celebrated in style, with festive hats and decorations. She was thrilled to receive all the attention (albeit a little cranky), and enthusiastically sniffed and barked her approval at every turn.

For her birthday this year, Frida is receiving 4 weeks of intensive training boot camp! It’s not exactly an iPhone, but at least she’ll learn some valuable skills, and maybe she’ll even give the SEO team a run for their money.

Happy birthday Frida!

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