Dara's Diamonds

Dara’s Diamonds

Client: Dara’s Diamonds

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Magento

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Jewelry, Shopping

Case Summary: The diamond industry online is extremely competitive. We delivered impressive results for Dara’s Diamonds in paid search and SEO. They went from spending $800 a month to earn $2,000 a month to spending $80,000 to generate $250,000 per month.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Dara’s Diamonds was founded by a fellow named Arad (Dara is Arad backwards). Arad needed help growing a very small business spending $800 / month on Google Ads and generating little return.

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We worked with Arad to build his SEO and PPC campaigns. We ran into many challenges, but saw awesome overall results.

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Our SEO and PPC work helped revenue grow to $250,000 per month. Within four months of starting our campaign, they saw a 90.97% growth in revenue and increased their conversion rate by 233.99% compared to the previous year.

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