
Ecommerce Site Design: Website Optimizer

One of the important things that an ecommerce website designer needs to address is usability and conversion optimization. We spend a lot of time talking about how well we market our clients’ sites to get them the traffic from search engines that is the lifeblood of most ecommerce businesses. But once the traffic is there, and once the visitors are where you are, what good is your site?

In the above video, Joel Gross, our company’s founder and an expert at all things SEO, works with Hiren Patel, our lead web designer, to demonstrate Google Website Optimizer.

Google Website Optimizer is a powerful A-B testing tool that essentially allows a web design and marketing firm like ours to examine what is driving user behavior on the site. We can look at how different calls to action influence the user to either buy or not buy, how they respond to a particular visual design or navigation process, etc. It does this by sending a statistically significant amount of traffic, in equal volumes, to two different iterations or versions of a page. It then follows or tracks that user as they make decisions or take action on the page. It then reports the data back to the management team (us and the client) and allows us to gauge what it is that the user was motivated by.

We then take that education, improve the site and begin a new round of A-B testing designed at moving the needle even further in the direction that we want it to go. Its a great tool, and one that every SEO and ecommerce website design company should be using to ensure that your company is getting the best bang for their buck.

Call us now if you’re interested in having your site design improved and tested for conversion optimization.

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