
Facebook Announcement April 7th 2011

Watch live streaming video from facebookannouncements at livestream.com

Live embed from Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto.

Okay, I’m cutting my reporting on this off. I think they’ve just officially made the most boring announcement ever. And it didn’t need to be.

10:56 AM PST Rackspace is going to save millions in power. Will contribute to the open source designs……

10:45 AM PST Green LEDs or Blue LEDs. Of course they spent an extra $.05 per light bulb. Stock holders at Facebook should be concerned!

10:43 AM PST The viewer count is rolling backwards unbelievably fast. Way to bore us to death.

10:36 AM PST The architect for this facility should get a big plug. Looks impressive at least from the planning stand point

10:34 AM PST www.cityofprineville.com High Tech mecca for sure.

10:30 AM PST Facebook to share their high efficiency server/data center blue prints.

10:27 AM PST Another reference to Facebook being a small company. Aw schucks guys! I didn’t know.

10:24 AM PST Open Compute project. Facebook pushes its way into the open computing space. Throwing a big punch at some other major companies.

10:22 AM PST Facebook found that server tech out there was not good enough for them. Not geared enough towards social applications.

10:20 AM PST Technology discussion, not product discussion. And Mark Zuckerberg never gets better at public speaking. Watch the King’s Speech man! This is at new Palo Alto HQ? Facebook, apparently, is still a start up…..

9:08 AM PST I really hate watching boring announcements, especially old ones. Anyone tracking how well Facebook email is competing with other sources?

9:33 AM PST Charlie Sheen has an intro comedy act, why not Zuckerberg?

10:01 AM PST Zuckerberg is officially late. Bad show.

10:10 AM PST Ooohh a view of a room but still nothing started. Servers and two screens.

10:15 AM PST Maybe they’ve captured Google and put him in those racks. Maybe with maniacal laughter, Zuckerberg will beat them to tiny little pieces.

10:17 AM PST Lots of picture taking and tango music? Zuckerberg going to Flamenco?

10:18 AM PST Nope. Just him in the same t-shirt he always wears. Mark Zuckerberg you can afford to buy more then one shirt.

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