How Lego Uses Online Marketing the Right Way

Online marketing has a reputation of being a sort of gray hat world at times, but it’s possible to do it right, make money and maintain a company’s ethics at the same time. One great example of this that every Los Angeles SEO agency should take note of is Lego’s incorporation of child’s rights and marketing. Through this partnership, the company has been able to reach a wide range of children and drive business in a way that doesn’t exploit unethical sources.

Lego’s Partnership with Children’s Rights Organizations

Lego is committed to the UNICEF Children’s Rights and Business Principles Sixth Principle that states that businesses should use marketing and advertising services in a way that respects and supports children’s rights. The company has partnered with the Responsible Advertising and Children Program (RACP) to comply with this rule and with the International Chamber of Commerce’s Code of Advertising and Marketing Communications Practice. RACP is an organization that helps boost its members’ understanding of societal pressures surrounding children, parents and perceptions about what it means to be a parent. Lego also follows the US Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act which governs parental consent and collection of personal data from children.

Children and Online Marketing

In general, children see the internet as a natural extension of the real world, which is obviously not always the case. This blurring of the boundaries between reality and perception create a vulnerability in children and an opportunity for unscrupulous marketers to play on in order to sell their products. Lego is committed to avoiding using this perception and lack of understanding in children to their advantage and takes steps in their copywriting, video production and other media to avoid any misunderstanding. These steps are somthing Los Angeles SEO agencies should emulate.

The company also enforces restrictions on engaging children through social media. Social media is one of the key areas where children can mistake the internet for real life, and by not using interaction as part of their marketing, Lego avoids taking advantage of the child’s lack of understanding. Lego also has a ban on paying children under the age of 16 to promote Lego products.

con mi panita..., ehm... todavia no le tengo nombre... sugerencias aqui!

Principles Guiding Lego’s Online Marketing

In addition to their partnerships and bans, Lego also established certain principles for its marketing department. First, the company is committed to not taking advantage of a child’s inexperience to mislead them in their understanding of a product. Second, Lego seeks to never portray unsafe or harmful situations or actions. Often children are exposed to violent or hazardous scenes with toys, but Lego is trying to reduce this exposure through their products. Finally, the company tries to not create pressure on children or parents to purchase products or create unrealistic perceptions of value. Toys are not foundational to family happiness with Lego.

Coalition Technologies is a Los Angeles SEO agency committed to ethical business practices. Follow our blog for more updates on Lego’s marketing practices.

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