Marketing Tactics That Cause an Uptick in Sales

Marketing Tactics That Cause an Uptick in Sales

a person reviewing a business chart

When business is slow, taking actionable steps to improve sales is the obvious move. When it comes to digital marketing for sales, your approach should always be changing and evolving. After all, what worked last year may not be ideal this year.

Embracing new marketing methods and strategies is the key to keeping things fresh for your customers while standing out from the competition. After all, the ecommerce arena is massive, and today’s consumers know they have options.

Try these marketing tactics to boost sales, grow your customer base, and increase your company’s bottom line.

  1. Have a Flash Sale

The flash sale strategy is one of the quickest ways to get people interested in your business. This approach to digital marketing for sales encourages customers to order your product or service at a discount for a very limited time only. Typically, flash sales run for less than 24 hours — make sure your potential customers know that. Your goal is to get them to impulse buy before the clock runs out.

Make sure your audience knows about the flash sale before it happens. A week’s notice is usually fine, but even a few days will work in a pinch. If possible, hold the sale on a memorable day — holidays are great — and give the sale a name. For example, if you were having a flash sale on July 7th, you could call it the “Lucky 7/7” sale. This way of digital marketing for sales is much more effective than simply choosing an arbitrary date and hoping people remember.

  1. Create Shareable Social Media Posts

social media apps on a phoneAn engaging social media post can be a huge sales booster that shouldn’t cut into your budget too much. A high-quality video or blog post with relevant information helps to establish your brand as an authority in your field. If you get lucky and people share it, you can reach a huge audience with minimal effort and spending. Pay attention to your niche community, and try to get a feel for what people are sharing. From there, you can put your own unique spin on things.

You may want to pay to sponsor a post on Facebook or Instagram. The rates for digital marketing for sales on major social media platforms are quite affordable, and the results can be tremendous. You can start small with a few different posts, and then scale up on the ones that are most successful. This method works especially well if you’re promoting your flash sale strategy to your target demographic.

  1. Provide Incentives

A customer rewards program can be a great way to get your customers excited. The traditional rewards card — buy a certain amount of products and get one free — is a classic approach that can boost sales without hitting your bottom line too hard. This approach to digital marketing for sales tends to work best if your products are priced low, but you can also provide coupons, free shipping, or exclusive products to entice customers.

  1. Build Your Email List

someone using a laptop at a meetingEmail can still be a powerful marketing strategy, as long as you do it right. The last thing you want is for customers to feel like they’re being spammed, so be sure to provide value in your emails, whether it’s a coupon code or an invitation to read your latest informative blog post. Your goal is for your email recipients to be excited when your company’s name shows up in their inbox.

When it comes to email-based digital marketing for sales, getting customers to subscribe to your list is the hardest part. You may want to nudge them in the right direction by providing a discount code or some other sort of incentive for signing up.

You may also want to optimize your ecommerce site for conversions by making it easy for customers to find where to sign up. You can also update your site’s copy with calls to action that encourage customers to subscribe.

  1. Upsell

“Would you like fries with that?” Sometimes a suggestion is all it takes to nudge an on-the-fence customer to the other side. In the world of digital marketing for sales, you want customers to feel like they’re winning. For that reason, simply recommending that they buy another product usually won’t cut it. Instead, you may want to offer a second product at a discounted price.

  1. Optimize Your Website

Search engine optimization is an incredibly effective way to boost organic traffic. When someone searches for relevant keywords, you want your company to be the first name that pops up on Google’s front page. While you may be able to employ some basic SEO strategies on your own, working with an experienced SEO agency is the key to rising up in the ranks.

Partner With a Winning Team

Coalition Technologies offers world-class digital marketing for sales services. Our team of ecommerce professionals consistently delivers measurable results through a variety of methods, and we’re ready and able to help your company grow.

Call (310) 827-3890 for a free consultation and quote, or feel free to message us with any questions. Put your company on the fast track to short and long-term success today.

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