Repurpose Blogs: What to do with old blogs

Repurposing Blogs: What to Do With Old Blogs

Typewriter and books on a wood surface

Every blog had to start somewhere. If your early content isn’t up to your current high standards, repurposing blogs is the logical next step. While it may be tempting to just archive those old posts and let them collect dust (nobody reads five-year-old articles, right?), there are reasons why updating old blog posts for SEO makes sense. Here’s why you should refresh those dated blog posts.

Build Customer Trust

Every single detail on your website goes into your viewers’ newly formed perspective of your brand — from your site’s copy to your brand logo. All it takes is one low-quality blog post to spoil an otherwise positive first impression.

Improve Your Site’s Ranking on SERPs:

Google’s algorithms are forever getting more sophisticated. Content that may not have hurt your ranking in the past could be holding you back now. Google wants to eliminate low-quality content, and even one less-than-ideal post could be hindering your SEO goals.

As noted by Chris Scalise, Lead Content Strategist at Coalition Technologies:

“If you’re auditing blog content from four or five years ago, you want to look for red flags that may be hindering your rankings or user experience. Like, is the text really optimized with the best keywords? Do all of the links still work? Does the article contain cheesy stock photos that may have seemed okay in 2011? What about keyword stuffing? Even subtle changes can really breathe new life into a dated article.”

Man staring at laptopTake Advantage of Age Credibility

Repurposing blogs allows you to take advantage of their age. Old posts may already have inbound links pointing at them. They’ve also been around for a long time, which adds a level of credibility to them (even if they’re not your best work). Revitalizing old posts lets you enjoy the benefits of an aged post while also showing the world that your brand is well-established.

Provide Current Information

New information is constantly being discovered and updated. The resources and references you used then may have changed over the years (or even months). Refreshing that information ensures that your readers can trust you while also preventing any liability issues that could arise, depending on your industry. If your article includes outbound links to research sources, click each of those links to ensure that the pages are still live.

Save Money

If you’re on a budget, repurposing blogs is a great way to keep your audience engaged with new content on the cheap. Sometimes all it takes is a few quick corrections and some stock photos to add new life to a post.

Keep Your Social Media Interesting

You don’t want to be posting the same three or four blog posts over and over on your social media platforms. Your followers expect new content on a consistent basis, and it’s not always possible to provide that. Updating old blog posts for SEO allows you to keep developing ‘new’ content without paying for (or writing) brand-new blog posts.

Ideas to Get You Started

Here are some easy and effective methods for repurposing blogs:

  • Woman sitting on floor with pink laptopFix grammar and spelling errors
  • Update any outdated information, keywords, and/or references
  • Check to make sure any resources used are still up to date; remove or replace dead links
  • Optimize the content for ranking higher in SERPs
  • Feature relevant images and/or videos
  • Build upon the ideas you originally shared

Contact Us for Assistance

Whether you need brand-new blog content or some help refreshing your dated posts, our team is ready and able to elevate your content. Our world-renowned SEO professionals can optimize your blog to increase organic traffic and boost revenue. Call (310) 827-3890 or contact us online now to speak with one of our friendly experts about repurposing blogs and so much more.

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