Team Meetings at Coalition

Coalition TeamEvery morning at 9 am sharp, the Coalition Technologies team pours themselves a tall cup of coffee and settles in for the daily group meeting. Our daily meetings are used as an opportunity to communicate any news, obstacles, or achievements that have occurred. It is a crucial time for team members to directly relate any requests or questions they may have for the others. Using Skype, this is also an opportunity to connect with remote employees and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Lead by SEO Team Manager Justin Szabo (back row, second from left), notes are scrupulously taken on every subject that is mentioned. Notes are an efficient way to keep daily priorities organized. They are helpful to use for later reference. Reviewing the notes at a later time ensures that past questions have been resolved.

Communication is an integral part of any successful business, and at Coalition Technologies, we make it a priority. To move our business in an efficient direction, direct contact through our group meetings keeps everyone well-informed and ready to work. Carving out a time for team members to ask questions allows them to maintain an open line of communication. It also helps our new members gain familiarity with how our business runs. They can better learn their team members’ names and their positions within the company. Team meetings also provide staff with a useful way to familiarize themselves with the responsibilities of each team member.

Our team meetings help our members settle into their day and focus on work. From one day to the next, it can get overwhelming to arrive at a desk that’s piled with assignments. Our team meetings give our staff a starting point and help them prioritize their tasks. They also serve as a reminder of uncompleted past assignments, which can get lost in the shuffle. Most importantly, they build a sense of teamwork and responsibility among our staff. We stress that each member on our team can help or hinder their fellow worker’s assignments. To ensure our business runs efficiently, we keep the lines of communication open and give each member an opportunity to freely ask questions and make suggestions.

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