
Website Focus: Lead Generation

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Finance

Case Summary: This car title loan company wanted to geographically target the users signing up for loans and visiting their site. Read on to see how Coalition used SEO to bring in the exact customer base this lender was looking to attract to its site.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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This California car title loan company sought Coalition’s SEO services with the goal of quadrupling the number of users signing up for loans per month. They also wanted to geo-target potential customers in California, particularly in the Los Angeles area.

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Our team created a custom image for the “About Us” page, wrote and published multiple pages of optimized copy and metadata for the site, as well as updated the XML sitemap. As a result of these and other SEO efforts, the client went from position 50 for “car title loans north hills” to position number 4.

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Our geo-targeting efforts resulted in excellent California results. In the span of a month, Los Angeles organic traffic increased 42.55% and Calabasas organic traffic increased 114.29%. During the same period, overall organic traffic to the site rose by 58.73% and traffic across all channels grew by 90.80%.

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