District Clothing

District Clothing

Client: District Clothing

URL: districtclothing.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Nexternal, WordPress

Services Provided: PPC, SEO, Web Design, Web Development

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Fashion, Shopping

Case Summary: How do you infuse a Nexternal ecommerce website for fashion basics with color and personality? Find out in the District Clothing case study how we helped double their traffic.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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District Clothing is an exciting brand that exudes color and fashion in its marketing, products, and customer interactions. Much of that excitement was getting lost because their major competitors owned search results and there were few new opportunities to engage with interested customers.

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The Coalition team reviewed existing marketing materials and identified shortcomings. Starting with a new WordPress and Nexternal ecommerce site design and development project, we rebuilt how and where District was found online. When the new site launched, aggressive organic search optimization (SEO) and paid search marketing (PPC) campaigns kicked into high gear.

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In little over a year, traffic to the brand’s website grew by nearly 200% as their site appeared alongside major multinational brands in ideal search results. Site conversion rates increased while that growth occurred, helping the brand fund further marketing endeavors in social and email.

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