Grit & Zest

Client: Grit & Zest


Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Shopify

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Fashion, Shopping

Case Summary: This activewear brand aims to make athleisure not only fashionable but affordable. Their line of clothing is for everyday wear, and promotes comfort and style. After six months with us, organic traffic is up by 70% and overall traffic to the site has increased by 542%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


This athleisure company came to us wanting more brand exposure as well as repeat customers. They wanted us to start with fixing the hardware and technical problems on their site in order to meet these goals.

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Some of the tasks we have completed for this active wear brand included fixing metadata issues, writing optimized copy to create a tone for their brand, and improving their website navigation by moving their menu to the top of the page. We also implemented reviews on the product pages, created and linked an HTML sitemap in the footer, and implemented breadcrumb markups.

Result Icon


After six months with us, the site is attracting 70% more organic sessions and has seen a 45% increase in organic new users. Organic header email clicks increased by 400%. Overall, there was a 542% increase in traffic to the site and the new users improved by 857%. Overall header email clicks increased by 200%.

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