Pomegranate Inc.

Client: Pomegranate Inc.

URL: pomegranateinc.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Shopify

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Gifts, Home & Garden, Shopping

Case Summary: Rich patterned home goods and textiles are the specialty of this online retailer, known for their pomegranate print. Wanting to increase their online presence as a lifestyle brand, they came to Coalition for our top of the line services. Within six months of starting with us, Pomegranate Inc. has seen a 244% increase in monthly revenue. Read on to find out more.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


Known for their kaleidoscope patterns and textiles, this home goods company came to us looking to appear in search results and reach their target audience. We would say that we hit the mark on this one, and Pomegranate Inc. agrees.

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Some of the tasks we completed include adding a slider to the homepage, making the pop-up mobile friendly, improving the search bar’s appearance, and making the product images clickable. We also set up a PPC campaign that has been extremely profitable.

Result Icon


Seven months after we began working with Pomegranate Inc., organic revenue has increased 456% with organic transactions increasing by 338%. The overall revenue increased 244% from $14k to $49k and the overall transactions increased by 200%.

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