
Client: Zogics

URL: zogics.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: BigCommerce

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Business

Client Industry: Fitness, Health & Beauty, Office Supplies & Equipment, Sports & Outdoors

Case Summary: This fitness equipment and products company is a one stop shop for fitness facilities, hotels, and businesses that emphasize a healthy lifestyle. Looking to increase sales, they signed up for our fitness SEO services. Six months into their campaign with us, their revenue increased 87.96%

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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When Zogics approached us, they were looking for a full-service company to handle their SEO needs.

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We increased their website speed, addressed redirect errors, and updated the product pages. We also wrote optimized copy and reached out to build high-quality links.

Result Icon


Six months into our campaign for Zogics, their revenue increased by 87.96% versus the previous month, rising from $157,980.09 to $296,936.33. During that month, transactions improved significantly by 61.26%.

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