Coalition’s Top SEO Tactics For D2C Marketing

Coalition’s Top SEO Tactics For D2C Marketing

Direct to consumer marketing can be a tough gig, even for seasoned marketers. Catching customers’ attention can be more art than science, while finding the optimal sales funnel involves patient, diligent refinement. Still, there are several proven ways to increase your online conversions D2C marketing and SEO. Below we’ll be going over some of the tried-and-true techniques that we use for our clients here at Coalition.

Tip #1: Get Visitors Off The Landing Page

Direct to consumer marketing involves getting customers’ eyes onto your products quickly, and so a good landing page should give users lots of options to navigate to once they arrive. These links should take users “deeper” into the site, bringing them to items or groups of items for them to shop.

Your SEO should also reflect the nature of the page. Target your landing and category pages toward general keywords, such as “power tools” or “phone cases.” This lets Google know that your landing page is a general purpose page, and that it is a good result to show users searching corresponding general keywords.

Tip #2: Present Commerce As Content

Good content is still the most important variable in Google’s page ranking, and presenting your products in contentful ways makes all the difference to a good direct to consumer marketing push. If you’re a fashion brand, you can present items as collections or “spring outfit ideas.” As you can see, this also gives you the opportunity to take advantage of seasonality. Presenting your products as solutions to customers’ problems or desires makes your products relevant to the search query.

Tip #3: Target Prominent Marketplaces

SERPs aren’t the only priority target for direct to consumer marketing. Amazon’s search algorithms are different than Google’s, but it’s an undeniable force in the online marketplace, and ranking high on their search can be invaluable. Focus on the top-ranking products on Amazon, what keywords or content seems to come up at the top, and tailor your own content to suit it. You can do the same with product descriptions, following the “house style” as you would for SERPs.

Tip #4: Go Local

In most SERPs, you’ll see listings for local businesses relevant to your search. Local search results can come up often for searches like “bicycle parts near me,” and adding local link-building and reference on your site can broaden how many searches you come up in. Even an e-commerce business can take advantage of local SEO through techniques such as adding a location to your reviews. Having Dan from Topeka, Kansas, post a review on your website is likely to trigger some local search results and help build localized content optimization.

Tip #5: Sell Your Product in the SERPs

Your title-tags and meta-descriptions are more than just window-dressing. Put some effort into selling your product through these mediums, turning search results pages into the first step in your direct to consumer marketing. Words like “free” are always compelling, as well as language, like jargon or buzzwords, that lets consumers know you’re experts in your field. As always, Coalition recommends strong calls to action and the use of active verbs and sentence structure.

Work With Coalition

If you’d like to hear more about how Coalition can maximize your direct to consumer marketing efforts, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Give us a call at (310) 827-3890 or emails us at [email protected] to schedule a free consultation. Get in touch today, and see the difference professional SEO can make.

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