
Client: Ribbons.com

URL: ribbons.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Gifts

Case Summary: Ribbons.com has over 4,000 types of ribbons, as well as tutorials and sample wrapping ideas to inspire their customers. They came to us for SEO to bring their ribbons to more people. Within three months, total site revenue improved by an impressive 255.66%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


This Ribbons retailer approached Coalition with the need to get more customers to their site. Our proven SEO practices gave them the confidence in our work to help them succeed.

Solution Icon


After we had conducted our extensive site analysis, we got to work: we fixed internal link issues, rewrote H1 headings, and addressed canonicalization issues. We also tackled page speed issues, reformatted URLs, and optimized Ribbons.com’s mobile site.

Result Icon


In four months, total site revenue improved by 255.66%. The majority of the site’s traffic was driven by paid search, accounting for 69.22% of all traffic, and new users made up 77.48% of all sessions.

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