A/B Testing in BigCommerce

A/B Testing in BigCommerce

Is your BigCommerce web store reaching its full potential? Without A/B testing, you have no way of knowing.

BigCommerce A/B testing is an easy, effective way to improve your eCommerce site’s performance so you can maximize your return on investment. If you’re not familiar with A/B testing marketing, now is the time to discover this powerful strategy for connecting with your current and potential customers.

What Is A/B Testing?

BigCommerce A/B testing is when you create at least two different versions of your website (Version A and Version B), and then monitor and compare the performances of both to see which one has a higher conversion rate. When it comes to making the sale, every detail matters. Your logo, copy, design, color scheme, photos, and countless other variables can mean the difference between a customer placing an order or leaving the page.

Types of Conversions Tested

Conversions Tested

Every page of your eCommerce site should have a specific goal. In most cases, the goal is for customers to order the product. However, sometimes you may be seeking other types of conversions, such as getting someone to subscribe to your mailing list, review a product, or respond to a survey. BigCommerce A/B testing allows you to determine which page yields more conversions, whatever the desired outcome may be.

Commonly Tested Variables

There are many ways to use A/B testing marketing to optimize your site. Version A and Version B don’t even have to be radically different. Sometimes subtle variations can lead to significant results.

Here are some of the most common variables that you can experiment with:

  • The images you use can drastically alter a visitor’s perception of your site, brand, and products.
  • These days, many online shoppers expect to see videos of products. Experimenting with different video styles is a great way to empower your marketing department to create compelling media.
  • The content on your page is a major factor in driving sales. Test multiple product descriptions and other copy to see which versions convert best. Sometimes changing just one word can drastically affect the results.
  • Your site’s design, color scheme, and layout say a lot about your brand. Try different versions with BigCommerce A/B testing to see what your audience responds to.
  • Your company logo is one of the first things visitors notice. Discover which one people prefer.
  • The placement, look, and verbiage of your calls to action are major factors when it comes to converting visitors.
  • The look and placement of your social media buttons can help you increase your followers. Changing them may also affect your sales, as many online shoppers check social media pages before shopping to ensure that a company is legitimate.
  • You can use A/B testing marketing to test various SEO strategies to see which methods drive more organic traffic to your site.
  • Even very subtle price changes can make a huge difference in the perceived value of your products.
  • Incorporating customer reviews on your product pages may help to drive sales. Find out if they work for your company by using BigCommerce A/B testing.
  • Changing the layout of your checkout cart can create an easier shopping experience that inspires confidence, helping you to close sales more frequently.

How to Get Started with A/B Testing

1. Examine the Competition

Start by researching other online stores to see what your site might be missing. Take notes on features that stand out, such as unique navigational features, image placements, types of pages, and so on.

2. Choose a Variable to Test

Before you start BigCommerce A/B testing, you need to decide on a variable to test. For example, you might hypothesize that if you made your return policy easier to find, people might be more confident about making purchases. In that case, Version A would retain your original return policy page, and Version B would make it more prominent.

3. Select Testing Parameters

Now you need to determine how many visitors you’ll need to generate accurate results, as well as how long you’ll need to run the experiment. Optimizely is a popular A/B testing marketing tool that offers a useful A/B test calculator to help you make an accurate decision.

4. Begin the Test

Once you know what you want to test and for how long, you can use an A/B testing platform to begin the test. Optimizely is an excellent choice for BigCommerce, and its intuitive interface makes BigCommerce A/B testing easy even if you’re not the most tech-savvy person.

What Comes Next?

After the test has concluded, you can use the data you’ve gathered to decide if you should stick with Version A or switch over to Version B (or Version C, etc.). Don’t run the test for longer than necessary; once you’ve arrived at your conclusion, move on to the next test. It’s more valuable to run lots of shorter tests than fewer long ones.

If you keep performing new tests, you’re naturally going to keep improving your website, which is going to increase your bottom line. BigCommerce A/B testing is an ongoing process that makes it possible to keep evolving your web store to achieve optimal results.

Experienced BigCommerce Experts

Need help optimizing your BigCommerce site or building a new one from scratch? Coalition Technologies is here to help! Our knowledgeable, experienced team has been working with the BigCommerce platform since it was just a young startup, and today we continue to push the boundaries of its capabilities for our clients. Going with a professional firm for your A/B testing rather than trying to figure it out yourself will very likely make a big difference in the speed and scope of your company’s success.

Contact Us Now

As you can see, BigCommerce A/B testing offers enormous growth potential. At Coalition, we can help you take advantage of that opportunity, and more. Whether you need assistance with A/B testing marketing, or want to incorporate the latest SEO strategies, Coalition can work with you to boost your ROI and grow your audience.

To learn more, please email us at [email protected] or give us a call at 310.907.7949, and we’ll be glad to work alongside you to help you achieve your dreams. Gain the competitive advantage by using A/B testing to continually improve your website over time, with Coalition Technologies.

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