Coalition Completes Website Redevelopment for Green Gorilla

Coalition Completes Website Redevelopment for Green Gorilla

screenshot of Green Gorilla website

A stellar business idea and a passion for what you do play a critical role in your business’ success. However, good website design and SEO can make the difference between a business that converts leads and one that finds itself struggling to find its footing. Here at Coalition Technologies, we apply our expert SEO and website design services to provide you with the visibility and conversions that you need to see your business thrive. One excellent example is our recent CBD website redesign for Green Gorilla. 

Here’s what we achieved for Green Gorilla — and what we can offer for your business, too. 

Green Gorilla: Before CT

Green Gorilla is a Malibu-lifestyle brand that specializes in creating organic CBD products. Sir Steven Saxton and Katherine Guevara Saxton, the founders of Green Gorilla, were the first to launch USDA-certified organic CBD products when they founded Green Gorilla in 2013. Green Gorilla adheres to sustainable organic farming practices as a vertically integrated seed-to-shelf company, and they’re passionate about sharing the miraculous benefits of hemp and CBD with people around the world.

The issue? The founders needed CBD website design support because they were struggling with a slow site that was costing them conversions. They came to us with the task of improving their site. We responded with a website redevelopment project to reduce the number of plugins and other factors affecting site speed. To provide them with the best possible results, we tackled both web development issues as well as addressing marketing optimization. 

Changes Implemented in the Green Gorilla CBD Website Design

CBD can be a tricky industry to navigate, and the orders migrated added another challenge. However, Coalition Technologies offers outstanding SEO and web design services, and our updates made a tremendous difference. For Green Gorilla, we were able to: 

  • Create a responsive design that functions seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices. 
  • Develop a WooCommerce shopping cart that offers a branded and styled native checkout experience. Green Gorilla now has advanced promotional tools (discount codes, tiered pricing, coupon codes, and more), domestic and international shipping options, and two payment gateways. 
  • Integrate an SEO friendly-blog into their CBD website design to enhance their content marketing strategy for greater visibility and authority. 
  • Enhance their existing website with features like product thumbnail galleries (with a zoom feature), customer reviews and ratings, and social media linking. 
  • Migrate and reformat data and content to fit the new website.
  • Add a Google Analytics ecommerce installation and integrate with a platform-supported email marketing service. 

To see the new CBD website design, you can visit Green Gorilla here

What We Accomplished for Green Gorilla

One of the issues with the website before its redesign was its mobile usability issues, which we were able to resolve with the launch of the new Green Gorilla website. The site’s conversion rates have also grown since the relaunch. 

The new CBD website design further allowed us to reduce the total amount of plugins from 169 to 56. The speed of their website has also been dramatically reduced. One excellent example of this is the main page. The old site homepage took 6.3207 seconds to load, utilizing 42.8% of the 524,288 kB server limit and 547.4% of the 40,960 kB WordPress limit. Now, the homepage only takes 1.3481 seconds to load and utilizes 11.3% of the 512 MB server limit and 22.5% of the 256 MB WordPress limit. 

With its website redevelopment, Green Gorilla now has a functional website that will no longer hinder conversions, as well as SEO content that will draw more traffic to their website and demonstrate their expertise within their industry. At Coalition Technologies, we are also deeply invested in long-term growth, and we hope to see further improved keyword rankings, traffic, and revenue over time for this CBD website design. 

Reach Out to Coalition Technologies for Expert Web Design Support

If you can relate to Green Gorilla and its need for a website that supports its business and increases conversion, now’s the time to reach out to an agency that gets it. We are at the forefront of both web design and SEO services in the country, and we have over 350 web design case studies to demonstrate our expertise and results. With the support of over 200 team members specializing in diverse platforms, coding languages, frameworks, and industries, we’re the ideal partners to help you build workflow systems, create custom applications, or establish an ecommerce web store. Whether you’re in the market for CBD website design or support in another industry, we’re here to offer you the quality build you deserve. 

As demonstrated with Green Gorilla, we go above and beyond just web design. Whether you’re looking for support in search engine optimization or your digital marketing strategy, we put in the work to ensure that you’re seeing the traffic and conversions you expect. Don’t believe it? We’ve managed to increase traffic for District Clothing by nearly 200% and attract 89.36% more organic users for Watch Warehouse. Our experience gives you the comprehensive support you need to take your website and your marketing strategy to the next level for greater results. 
If you were inspired by this CBD website redesign above, and you need our support optimizing your website and improving your conversion rates (among other changes that will greatly impact the success of your business), reach out to us now by emailing us at [email protected]. You can also contact us by reaching out with your name, email, and message, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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