firestore online

Coalition Equips FireStoreOnline With A New Site

The Internet is a world of niche markets. Online retailers, artists, musicians, and more strive to pinpoint their most loyal fanbase. Once they’ve found this demographic, marketers then target them with ads and optimized content, all in an effort to get clicks, sales, or web traffic.

This targeted marketing is critically important, as it helps online retailers stand out in the din of information on the world wide web. However, to really stand out you have to do it right – and to do it right you need an excellent marketing team.

Who Is FireStoreOnline?

This was the dilemma facing FireStoreOnline when they began their partnership with Coalition Technologies. FireStoreOnline is an online retailer with a very specific niche: they sell uniforms and equipment to firefighters, EMTs, and law enforcement officers.

In order to reach this market, they needed an excellent website, an incredible marketing campaign, and strong SEO content and PPC-advertising. The company has worked with an SEO firm once before, but let them go after failing to see an improvement in their sales. However, they braved the marketing world once more to work with Coalition Technologies.

A New Attempt at Optimization

By the time FireStoreOnline reached out to Coalition Technologies, there was plenty of work to do. Their website’s platform, Network Solutions, was out of date. Although targeted ads and email blasts continued to drive traffic to the site, it had been two years since they’d implemented any new SEO strategies. Still, they wanted to create a new website and implement SEO, PPC, and email marketing.

To fix these issues, our team developed and designed a new SEO-friendly BigCommerce website. We made easy navigation a top priority, as well as customization features for officers to design their own badges or for crews to create their own shirts.

The results spoke for themselves; in only four months, FireStoreOnline’s transactions were up 66.32 percent, and their revenue had increased by 57.72 percent. This improvement alone speaks volumes about the power of quality marketing and web design.

What’s Next For FireStoreOnline?

The changes to FSO’s website have clearly been positive for the company’s bottom line, and the coming months don’t show any sign of slowing down. The marketing team at Coalition is working on updated strategies, which will replace the grey-hat strategies currently in place for FireStoreOnline.

SEO optimization will be an ongoing project. Coalition Technologies and FireStoreOnline are currently expanding the site’s ability to customize products, reviewing the inventory to ensure accurate pricing, and optimizing the user experience for easy, intuitive navigation. As these changes fall into place, we anticipate FireStoreOnline will see even greater returns on their investment in our upgrades.

With each new client and campaign, we expand our knowledge and expertise. If you have a brand or company that could benefit from our innovative techniques, contact us today by emailing [email protected], via phone at (310) 907-7823, or through our contact page.

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