Is My SEO Bad or Is Search Interest Down

Is My SEO Bad or Is Search Interest Down? – Tips For Improving Your SEO

Keeping track of your website’s performance in search engine results takes constant work. Strategies that were effective last month – or even last week – may need to be adjusted. Sometimes, it may even be difficult to pinpoint why your search traffic is decreasing.

It can often boil down to one question: Are your SEO rankings suffering, or is there less interest in your keywords than there used to be?

Improve your SEO with Google Search Console

Maybe you’ve retired a popular collection or product on your eCommerce store. Or maybe you have a lot of products that go out of stock quickly, resulting in quite a few pages returning 404 errors. How do you ensure that everything on your site is running smoothly and that Google can index every inch of your site properly? Google Search Console has those answers.

Google Search Console is an excellent tool to have on hand. Anyone tasked with building online traffic needs to factor Google into their strategies. It makes sense, then, to gauge how the search engine giant views your website, which can be done through Google Search Console.

Search Console is easy to use and full of valuable information, breaking down the fundamentals of a Google inquiry. Input in your website’s URL and enjoy free insights, including:

  • Fetch, which lets you see specific URLs the way the search engine views it
  • PageSpeed Insights, a way to measure how fast your site is performing on both a desktop and a mobile device
  • Evaluation of your sitemap, which informs Google and other search bots about the organization of your site
  • Information about potential security issues
  • A list of keywords that led your site to be viewed on SERPs
  • Information regarding links Googlebot struggled to crawl

Additionally, many of questions can be answered through Webmaster Central’s online forums. In most cases, you can find relevant examples and queries that can help you attract more leads online or improve your eCommerce SEO strategies.

Not only can you use Google Search Console to take a deep dive into your site and see how your SEO is performing, but you can use it to diagnose and fix any SEO problems. Once you’ve addressed technical SEO issues, you should check your keywords.

Evaluate your Site’s Keyword Usage with SEMRush

How did you select the keywords for your site? Was it based on competitor research or commonly seen or heard language used by your customers? Either way, there are a few priorities to consider when leveraging content to enhance your site’s SEO. Are the keywords you are using performing well, and are those keywords valuable regarding attracting relevant visits that lead to conversions?

Two metrics are used to measure a keyword’s value: their search volume, or how often the keyword is searched, and their level of competition, or how many sites are ranking for that word. The best keywords to rank for have high volume and low competition, but it’s not always easy to find the perfect terms.

With SEMRush, you can evaluate not only the keywords your site is ranking for but also the competition and search volume of each keyword. Pulling reports on a biweekly basis is a great way to monitor your rankings and keep an eye on any changes to your site’s SEO. Improve your rankings by integrating blog posts with your most valuable keywords, and reevaluate your keyword research if you don’t see a keyword appear in the report after a couple of months of the content being live.

Check Search Interest with Google Trends

So, you’ve evaluated your keywords, and things seem all right – you’re ranking for a good number of keywords with good search volume. However, you’re still not seeing the search traffic that you desire. Consider checking Google Trends. Plug in the keywords for which you’re ranking, adjust the time frame to more accurately reflect how long you’ve been using the keyword, and see how the interest in that term has shifted.

Google Trends can also show you the regions in which this keyword performs best, which can inform your strategy as well. If you’re trying to attract a domestic consumer base in and your keyword ranks best in Australia, then maybe it’s time to adjust your plan to encompass keywords used more frequently in your country. You can also improve your SEO by viewing related keywords and topics that are rising in popularity, which can help inform your campaign.

Talk to an SEO Expert

Some of these tools, while extremely helpful, can be a little difficult to understand fully. That’s where we come in. Not only is Coalition Technologies the #1 ranked SEO agency in Los Angeles, but we have the expertise needed to ensure your lead generation or eCommerce SEO improves and evolves year after year. When you work with us, we continually evaluate the performance of your keywords, their search volume, and their search interest. With us at the helm of your SEO campaign, you’ll constant updates on your website’s performance. To learn more about strategies that can improve your site’s SEO, email us at [email protected] or give us a call at 310.907.7949 today.

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