Los Angeles SEO Company

Los Angeles SEO

There are a lot of SEO individuals, firms, agencies, and companies out there, and it can be hard to find the right one. Most of them will do their best to sell you on numbers: a number revolving around links, page views, ranking, and hours.

But do any of those things even matter? Of course they do, or SEO wouldn’t sell. However, if you don’t implement them properly, they won’t matter as much as these companies want you to think they do!

Black Hat SEO

Promising a SEO client 100,000 links is easy, but a quick search will show you that there are a ton of spam sites that are happy to provide you with that number and more for minimal billing. Page views are the same way—you can generate more page views for your site through spammy ads and backlinks, but search engines won’t see your page as relevant if you have a terrible conversion rate and a high bounce rate.

When you utilize these tactics, all search engines see is someone who is cheating the system and doesn’t actually have what people want! In fact, this type of behavior is not only watched for, it’s punishable as well.

Google doesn’t like this type of phony voting. It wants to know that people are linking to high-quality sites because they’re relevant and contain good content. Several large companies have made the news because they took advantage of spam links to increase their SERP rankings.

JC Penney’s Tactics

Recently, the New York Times investigated JC Penney for Black Hat SEO tactics and discovered that thousands of websites that were unrelated to retail were linking back to JCPenney.com. These links were attached to very specific keywords in a way that indicated someone at JC Penney planned and planted each one of these spam links.

Generally, websites caught using this type of tactic are delisted from Google and won’t come up in the search results until they clean up their website to meet Google’s standards. In JC Penney’s case, Google took no overt action, but within hours of the discovery, JC Penney had sunk down from the number one search result for several keywords to very low positions on the SERPs, including number 71 for the term “Samsonite carry on luggage” and number 68 for the term “living room furniture.”

After the exposé was published by the New York Times, JC Penney fired their SEO company,  SearchDex, over the incident.

The Constant Battle

Search engines are constantly updating and modifying their ranking strategies to ensure that Black Hat SEO tactics are caught and punished before they trick internet users into purchasing products and services from unreliable websites. Because of constant updates (like Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird from Google) it’s hard even for White Hat SEO agencies to do a good job boosting organic traffic for their clients.

Partner with the Best

Find an SEO company that uses relevant, high-quality strategies to bring new consumers to your site and you’ll get long lasting results that won’t get you blacklisted by search engines. Choose Coalition Technologies and get a Los Angeles web design and SEO marketing partner that keeps up with the latest search engine updates to implement effective results and long-term success for your company.

Contact us at (310) 907-7949 or at [email protected] to request a free quote today.

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