Shop Q and Coalition Technologies

Shop Q and Coalition Technologies

We’re pleased to welcome Shop Q—an outlet that takes the word “discount” to a new level—into the Coalition Technologies family. While many retailers will claim to offer low prices on their wares, few can claim to have as many fashionable items that fly under the $10 benchmark as Shop Q. This company offers amazing finds for the fashionista on a budget, and Coalition can’t wait to help take their message to the next level.

About the Brand

Shop Q is a womenswear outlet located in the heart of L.A.’s fashion district. They’ve been active since 1982, and the bedrock of their longevity is as much about the price tags as the clothes themselves. A quick sweep of their sale page lets the customer know that this company’s claim to fame is their astonishing discounts: you’ll find stylish dresses and cardigans for under $25 and a selection of lovely tops that don’t even break the $5 barrier. At those rates, it’s no wonder you’ll find the words “Sold Out” accompanying many of these garments as well.

Shop Q’s appeal couldn’t be clearer: you can pick up a small boutique’s worth of outfits and accessories for the price that many outlets will charge for one or two dresses. It’s difficult to overstate the importance of affordability in such a crowded marketplace as womenswear, and the budget-conscious shopper is unlikely to find a retailer better able to cater to their need for great clothes at low prices than this one. Shop Q has been around for almost 40 years, and we hope to help extend their stay in the market to at least 40 more.

Trust Coalition to Move Your Brand

You don’t have to be a long-time power player in your field of choice like Shop Q to get the most out of Coalition Technologies. No matter how big your company or how long it’s been around, we understand just how important your projects are to you. We customize our SEO marketing strategies to the specifications needed for each one of our clients, and our portfolio includes everyone from titans of industry to entrepreneurs just cracking open their first idea. If you have a vision and the drive to succeed, Coalition wants to hear from you today.

Email us at [email protected] or give us a call at (310) 827-3890 to set up your free-of-charge consultation. Our doors are open to new partnerships all throughout the year, and our long track list of happy clients lets you know that giving our all to each one of our campaigns isn’t a choice; it’s a calling. Experience just what Coalition Technologies has to offer when it comes to top-of-the-line branding and unbeatable service.

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