Tasting Success with Denong Tea

Tasting Success with Denong Tea

Denong Tea has long been devoted to the timeless cultivation and production of premium Pu-erh tea. They originally started their company in China, but have begun to expand their business into the United States. Denong Tea conducts all the cultivating, harvesting, and processing of the trees and leaves to ensure their tea meets premium flavor, texture, and fragrance standards.

In the first four months of working with Coalition Technologies, Denong Tea has witnessed a 138% increase in organic traffic and a 259% increase in organic new users. We anticipate that the rise in organic traffic will increase over time and that they will lead to more conversions and more revenue for this fledgling tea company.

The Power of Pu-erh

While Pu-erh tea is very well known in China for its unique flavor and numerous beneficial properties, it is less well known in the United States. Denong Tea aims to increase awareness about this specialty tea by disseminating information about its amazing curative properties, unique processing techniques, and epic history.

Denong Tea’s Goals

Because Denong Tea wants to make a lasting impression on the American market, they came to Coalition Technologies to improve their organic traffic with more sessions and new users, increase their revenue, and improve their conversion rate. Denong Tea also wishes to open several physical locations in the U.S., so they need to create a powerful branded presence online to drive people into their stores.

Coalition Technologies kept these goals in mind when they conducted their analysis of Denong Tea’s current strategies. Our team concluded that their website needs optimized copy to ensure American-based customers can understand and appreciate what Pu-erh tea can offer them, as well as an improved user interface that makes it easy to navigate the site and purchase various products.

Challenges Moving Forward

Since Pu-erh tea is a niche industry in the U.S., Coalition Technologies continues with the task of creating a strong presence for Denong Tea as a premier provider of the highest quality Pu-erh tea. The SEO team is faced with introducing this relatively unknown tea in a way that will reach as many people as possible and create a surge of interest in a new product.

Reach out to Coalition Technologies

Interested in improving your organic traffic, website interface, or revenue? Reach out to Coalition Technologies today to discover what we can do for you. Contact our team now at (310) 907-7823, send an email to [email protected], or message us online through our contact page.

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