Thank You for 3 Years of Great Work Tara!

Thank you for all of your hard work over the last 3 years Tara! Tara is the first employee I hired and has been a big contributor to Coalition’s success. She has held many roles at Coalition ranging from accountant to janitor to sales to now our HR Director. We now have 35 full time employees and have come a very long ways from our humble beginnings in large part to the ingenuity, commitment, and hard work put in by Tara.
Frida has been a big contributor for the last 3 years too! Here is a picture of Frida from when Tara moved in:
And here is a picture of our tiny first office / apartment (yes we lived and worked in the same spot!). At one point we shared this little space with 4 employees coming in to work each day. Tara put up with two years of having team members work full time in our home office.

And here’s all 3 of the original employees at Christmas 3 years ago!

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