The Power of Facebook Images

Social media has rapidly become the focal point of web marketers looking to harness the power of viral and word of mouth marketing, a power that is amplified on social media platforms due to the interconnectedness of users and the speed in which information travels among them. There are few other avenues where a business can get so much exposure for little to no costs – direct costs, anyways. What’s more, marketers are increasingly looking to visual marketing to generate traffic, due to the positive way users respond to images and visuals. Combine visual marketing with social media, and you have a powerful tool for driving traffic.

Marketing with Images on Facebook

One marketing study revealed that posts with images on Facebook attracted 53% more likes and 104% more comments than the usual text-based posts. Further, posts with links attracted 83% more click-throughs when they were combined with images. Our seo firm in Los Angeles has seen similar results when we use image-based marketing for our clients. All of this lines up with studies touting the power of other visual forms of marketing, such as infographics. Images are much easier to process for Internet users regularly inundated with information overload. Plus, people just enjoy looking at quality images.

What it Means for Marketers

Facebook’s EdgeRank algorithm tallies up likes and comments to measure user interaction on Facebook content, which is used to determine whether the content is displayed more frequently on the News Feed, increasing the exposure of your content. As you can see, the more user interaction you get, the more visible your posts become and the more additional interactions you get in turn. If you get a higher amount of user interaction with Facebook images in your posts, you definitely want to be using them. You also want to make sure you include links to your website and other content on your image posts to get the most out of your marketing.

Of course, just throwing up an image with every post isn’t going to suffice. There is a ton of content out there competing for users’ attention. Our seo firm in Los Angeles uses only the highest quality images in our social media marketing. It is important to produce images that not only look good, but are engaging to the user. That is, images should be useful or entertaining. For this, it is often a good idea to hire a professional visual marketer.

Hire a Professional

Visual social media marketing is a powerful way to reach a large amount of users and drive traffic to your content. In fact, this is the general direction search algorithms are moving: towards identifying rich content and engaged users. However there is tough competition in this field, and it can take time and energy to craft a truly effective marketing campaign.

Coalition Technologies has extensive visual marketing experience. Our graphic designers are among the top talent in the industry and have handled graphics, websites, and visual marketing campaigns for clients all around the world, including the Los Angeles area. We can help you carry out a successful visual marketing campaign on social media platforms like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and more. Interested in our seo firm in Los Angeles? Give us a call today at 1-888-993-7639 and receive a free quote.

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