BioTerra Herbs

Client: BioTerra Herbs

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Health & Beauty

Case Summary: How do an eco-conscious herb company and technology mix? The answer: surprisingly quite well. Coalition’s SEO and PPC work helped to supply this all natural orangic alternative medicine company with the cure for their troubles.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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This herbal company needed to attract more consumers to their site. They needed a site that would run smoothly, ranked high on search results, and of course, represent the values that drove their company’s success. Our expert teams were there to make this happen.

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Coalition’s comprehensive SEO tactics went immedicately into play: navigation and site structure improvements were made, targeted links were build, top landing pages optomized according to extensive keyword research, and so much more. Our PPC team was also able to provide a variety of paid ads to BioTerra as well as ongoing research and analysis to make sure results were being seen.

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After just one month of launching the new site for BioTerra Herbs, organic traffic accounted for 32% of the site’s traffic, with paid search coming in right behind that at 28%. In terms of revenue, 40% came from organic users alone. As you can see, Coalition produces results, and fast.

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