
Client: Crescent


Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Shopify

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Clothing, Fashion

Case Summary: This minimalist clothing retailer offers their customers effortless, timeless pieces designed in-house. After 6 months with us, organic monthly traffic had increased by 63% with organic revenue increasing by 91%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


After starting out at a wholesaler in 2013, Crescent recently decided to move into the retail space as well. They came to us to build brand identity and awareness, see an increase in their site visits, see better conversion rates, and ultimately see an increase in sales.

Solution Icon


Some of the work we have done so far for this fashion retailer includes writing optimized copy, obtaining online PR article links, and making changes to the homepage layout. We have also fixed issues with stretched images on their mobile site as well as made changes to their cart and product page layouts.

Result Icon


In comparison to last month, the site attracted 63% more organic sessions. There has also been a 72% increase in organic new users. Overall, there was a 53% increase in traffic to the site this month. New users improved by 50%. Organic revenue has increased by 91%, with organic transactions increasing by 64%. Overall revenue has increased by 58% since last month.

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