Izzie’s Boutique

Client: Izzie’s Boutique

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Services Provided: Email Marketing, PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Clothing, Fashion

Case Summary: Founded in 2015, Izzie’s Boutique is a fast-fashion clothing boutique that sells women’s apparel and accessories with a focus on dependability, customer service, and quality products. They reached out to Coalition for their PPC, SEO and email marketing needs.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Having been successful with their brick-and-mortar store, Izzie’s Boutique  sought Coalition Technologies’ help in increasing site traffic, generating more email sign-ups, and growing revenue from online sales. Their overall goal was to offer a great online shopping experience and affordable products to their customers

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Coalition helped Izzie’s Boutique with a targeted SEO campaign based on their industry, goals, and target audience. We performed external PR and link building, content creation, A/B testing services, keyword analysis, social bookmarking, among others. We also worked on an email marketing campaign for them and helped in optimizing the images that increased page loading speed.

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Within 6 months, Izzie’s Boutique’s organic average order value was up  24.20%, organic users were up 36.76%, and organic new users were up 47.70%. Moreover, paid average order value was up 10.19%, paid transactions were up 70.00% and paid revenue was up 87.33%.

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