Kids Only Furniture

Client: Kids Only Furniture


Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Furniture, Kids & Toys

Case Summary: Kevin runs the top children’s furniture store in Los Angeles. He specialized in wooden pieces that invoke the good old days. He came to us because he knew he had some problems on his website, and that he needed experts to help him out. Read on to find out how we increased new users to his site by 64.64%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Kevin made it clear to us that his top priorities for SEO were to improve his website’s load speed and navigational problems. He was initially nervous about spending the money to do SEO, but was very pleased with our results. Not only did we fix those priority issues, we worked on optimizing his whole website to bring him the customer leads he wanted.

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We began with Kevin’s top priority – the load speed. We increased his home page load speed from 8/100 to 55/100 in one month by optimizing images and making changes to Javascript. We also took care of his other priority – user experience and navigation. We added a live chat feature, optimized his website footer, built a working contact page, and more.

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With our consistent work, Kids Only Furniture’s numbers grew steadily. By the fifth month of SEO work, the website’s traffic was up by 55.27%. New users had increased by 64.64%. In addition, the website was generating 33.33% more leads for Kevin through the contact forms we had built for him.

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