
Client: Luvoqa

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Vices

Case Summary: This company provides body-safe adult toys. They want their non-toxic and hypoallergenic toys and lubricants to reach a wide audience – and they welcome all to their site. Compared to last year, they have seen a 197% increase in organic traffic and a 157% increase in revenue.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Luvoqa came to us wanting to engage more people on their site, as well as increase their conversion rate and their revenue. This women-owned business signed on for SEO and PPC with us.

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We have written optimized copy, begun our outreach efforts for link building, and completed redirects on their site. Through our link building efforts, Lovoqa has been featured on Cosmopolitan’s site. We have also launched multiple PPC campaigns in Google Ads.

Result Icon


In comparison to last year, the site is receiving 197% more organic sessions as well as a 195% increase in organic new users. Overall, there was a 93% increase in traffic to the site and new users also saw an improvement, growing 123.73%. Compared to this time last year, monthly organic revenue has increased 93.68%. Overall revenue has increased by 157% since last year, increasing from $9k in overall revenue last year to $23k in overall revenue this year.

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