Referee Store

Client: Referee Store


Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: BigCommerce

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Sports & Outdoors

Case Summary: This online retailer provides a large selection of uniforms and accessories to soccer and basketball referees as well as baseball umpires and football officials. After almost 2 years with us, organic revenue has increased by 196% this year while overall revenue has increased by 88%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


Their goals with us were to increase their yearly revenue by 25% by seeing their traffic and conversion rate increase. Since 99% of their revenue comes from their online store, they turned to SEO to maximize what their site could do.

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Some of the work we have done so far for this uniform store includes writing strong optimized copy, fixing issues with images on the category page, and changing banners on category pages. We are also working on adding a FAQ page to help with the chat feature, compressing images, and redoing the homepage layout.

Result Icon


After having been with us for almost 2 years, organic sessions increased 87% when compared to last year. Organic new users also improved, increasing by 105%. During this time, the site received 25% more sessions than last year. Organic revenue has increased by 196% this year for a total of $36k and the organic transactions have increased by 120%. Overall revenue has increased by 88% since last year, for a total revenue of $142k with overall transactions increasing by 96%.

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