7 Email Marketing Tips to Improve Your SEO

7 Email Marketing Tips to Improve Your SEO

Marketing email on a laptop

Email marketing is one of the oldest and most effective methods of communicating with your audience and marketing your business. It can be used to educate customers about your products and services, announce new launches, offer discounts to build loyalty, generate more engagement for your brand, and so much more. But did you know that you can also leverage email marketing to improve your search engine results page (SERP) ranking?

Combining your email marketing with search engine optimization (SEO) marketing can have a synergistic effect on both. Strategic email marketing will help you improve your off-page SEO which will improve your SERP ranking, leading to your website being discovered more, and as a result, more people signing up for your newsletter. Sounds like a win-win, right? Read the tips below to see how you can use email marketing to improve website SEO!

1. Convert Emails Into SEO Content

Great content is the foundation of both email marketing and SEO. If you’re creating value-packed content that appeals to your customers, chances are it will appeal to search engines as well. Take advantage of email marketing by using it as a medium for testing content before you publish it on your website. 

Note how your audience reacts to the contents of the email, which topics and formats grab their attention, and what kind of messaging compels them to take action. This is an important email marketing tip to improve SEO because it will give you a good idea of what kind of content resonates with your audience so you can continue delivering valuable content that builds trust and promotes engagement. Once you publish the “gold” content to your website, that trust and engagement will extend there as well and translate into higher SERP rankings.

2. Test Title Tags and CTAs for the Website

Attention is hard to come by on the internet and you only have a few seconds to get your audience to take action before they decide to jump ship. This action could be clicking a link, reading a piece of content, or something else. This is why having a compelling title tag and call to action (CTA) is essential. Fortunately, there’s no need for guesswork. You can A/B test your emails to find out for sure. In fact, businesses that A/B test every email see 37% higher return on investment (ROI) than those that never do, so this email marketing tip will help you improve SEO as well as conversions. 

Use this handy testing method to compare your open rates and click rates to find out which types of email subjects and CTAs work the best at capturing your audience’s attention. Then use the insights to optimize titles and CTAs for improved traffic and engagement on your website. This is a sure-shot way of ensuring a higher click-through rate (CTR) when your website pops up in the top 10 of the SERP.

3. Request Backlinks Through Email

Our next email marketing tip is a key technique for improving SEO. Search engines factor in how many times your content has been shared on high-authority websites to determine whether it’s valuable to readers and offers a satisfactory experience or not. Any link from an external website that points back to your website is considered a backlink, also known as an inbound link. Backlinking is in fact one of the most important types of off-page SEO strategies. 

You can use email marketing to reach out to high-authority websites and influencers and request a backlink to your best content pieces or pitch a guest post that will be highly valuable to their readers. If you’re using this email marketing tip to improve SEO, we recommend using link-building email templates to save some time. But make sure to personalize yours before sending or else you’ll end up in the spam list.

4. Boost Blogs and Encourage Social Shares

X's main account

When people find a piece of content helpful, they’re likely to share it with their friends and family or their followers on social media platforms such as Twitter (now known as ‘X’) which can be crawled by Google’s algorithm, which means it has a chance of showing up on search. This is why social shares are also an important factor for ranking on search. 

Here’s our tip to get more social shares and improve SEO through email marketing — create high-value content in the form of blogs, infographics, ebooks, and videos that people will naturally want to share and then promote to your email list to generate more buzz. Include social media links in every email you send out to encourage social shares and drive more traffic to your website. This will also help you build rapport with your audience by keeping them engaged with your brand and boosting their interactions with you.

5. Collect Testimonials and Feedback

A screenshot of testimonials for Coalition Technologies

Our next tip to improve SEO through email marketing is to regularly collect testimonials and feedback through email. This is not only essential for offering your customers a better experience and thereby boosting your conversions but also for your website’s search ranking. There may be many shortcomings in your website’s user experience that you as a business owner might miss. Issues such as unclear navigation, poor design, and slow loading speeds are major turn-offs for users. In fact, 60% of consumers abandon purchases due to poor website user experience. This kind of behavior sends negative signals to search engines and hurts your ranking. 

By asking for feedback through emails, you’ll open a direct channel for your customers to voice their struggles when it comes to your website’s design, products, content, and customer service. Using this email marketing tip to improve SEO will lead to higher trust, sales, and search ranking.

Similarly, testimonials also contribute to your website’s credibility and ranking. More than 99.9% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase, so your potential customers will most likely be looking for one too. Email your customers to ask them to drop a testimonial on your website or third-party review platforms. Incorporate testimonials on product pages to establish trust with your users and watch this email marketing tip improve your SEO too.

6. Conduct Surveys to Understand Consumer Intent

If you want to know what your audience is thinking, what better way is there than simply asking them? Understanding your audience is crucial for nailing SEO marketing. The first search is where it all begins so if you’re able to deduce the search intent of your potential customers, you’ll know what keywords to target and what language to use in order to entice them to click and convert.

With the help of this email marketing tip, you can improve your SEO and find out what your audience is looking for in a product or service. For example, if you’re a company that sells furniture, you could run a survey with questions such as:

  • What types of furniture are you planning to purchase in the near future?
  • Are there any specific styles or designs you prefer?
  • Do you prefer eco-friendly or sustainable furniture options, and if so, why?

The insights gathered from these questions will help you with R&D so you can offer better products and also point you toward keywords that you could be targeting for SEO.

7. Segment Your Email List for Personalized Content

The success of your email marketing and SEO improvement efforts depends on this tip. With consistency, your email list will grow to tens of thousands or even millions, and with such a huge audience comes the challenge of personalization. Not everyone will be interested in all the content you produce. Take us for example. We offer many services such as email marketing, ecommerce SEO, PPC ads, social media ads, etc. and there’s no guarantee that a business owner who’s interested in growing their store organically would also be interested in our emails and blogs that talk about paid advertising. 

Segmenting your email list based on user behavior and preferences and sending tailored emails that are relevant to your audience is one email marketing tip that will allow you to improve SEO through higher CTRs, more engagement, fewer unsubscribes, and higher conversions.

Implement Email Marketing SEO With Coalition Technologies

With an ROI of $36 for every $1 spent, email marketing is undoubtedly a powerful tool for your business. But it can work even more wonders when it’s combined with SEO marketing. By creating value-packed content and leveraging emails the right way, you’ll drive highly qualified traffic to your website, boost your engagement, and climb up the search rankings.

Need help harnessing the power of email marketing for SEO? Look no further than the experts at Coalition Technologies! We’re here to help you crush your marketing goals with our tried and true strategies and data-driven techniques. Get in touch with us to learn more about our email marketing tips to improve SEO or take a look at the results we’ve achieved for our clients.

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