Coalition Technologies – Statement on GDPR

A new EU regulation will soon come into effect that will impact how all businesses and organizations collect, store, and process people’s personal data. The General Data Protection Regulation will become law on 25th May 2018. While it specifically is aimed at businesses that pursue EU based customers, it can apply to companies outside of the EU that may market or support EU based customers.
As the May 25th, 2018 deadline gets closer, Coalition is focused on GDPR compliance efforts.

During our preparation period for the new regulations, we are evaluating new requirements and restrictions imposed by the GDPR and will take any action necessary to ensure that we handle customer data in compliance with applicable law by the 2018 deadline. Our clients will receive updated terms of business based on changes that we’ve implemented if we believe that our scopes of work with them are impacted by GDPR.

As an existing business practice, Coalition Technologies LLC has elected to use third party cloud based solutions, all with restricted access to client data by our employees, contractors, and personnel.

Our emails and website are encrypted for added security. Coalition Technologies handles or retains very little personal details on our clients making for a smooth transition for when GDPR arrives and takes full effect.

Further information specific to how we comply with GDPR regulations can be found on our Privacy Policy page:

Our Privacy Policy

For more information on GDPR or our data collection policy, please email [email protected].

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