Most Effective Ecommerce Marketing Strategies for 2019

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If you’re looking into ecommerce marketing strategies, then you probably already understand how they are fundamental to reaching your audience in ways that are both efficient and cost-effective.

Reflecting on the ecommerce landscape, we’ve identified common business challenges and have worked with clients to navigate the many ways that marketing strategies can drive growth. We now present a few of our favorite ecommerce website marketing strategies, including links to some examples of how our clients found success with Coalition Technologies.

Holistic SEO Approach

When you’re thinking about your ecommerce SEO approach, you can break it down into several important categories: link building, keyword research, technical SEO improvements, website design, conversion rate optimization, copywriting, and PR.

computer showing Google Analytics

If you’ve ever been in a meeting with us, you’ve heard us talk about how we incorporate each of these areas into a holistic SEO campaign. Then, for each of our ecommerce marketing strategies, we tailor the approach to your unique business.

Partnering with the online niche jeweler Trumpet & Horn, we were able to help them grow organic traffic to their website by 75% in as little as two years.

Keep in mind that SEO is a long term strategy. Factors like initial rankings, age of the website, and the competitiveness of the market will ultimately determine the best tactics needed to support your SEO efforts.

Smart PPC Campaigns

In addition to SEO, ecommerce marketing strategies should incorporate paid search campaigns, also known as PPC, to maximize ROI potential.

When getting started with paid search, it’s important to resist the tendency to run campaigns on Google Ads or Facebook Ads before setting specific objectives. For PPC campaigns to be strategic, they need to connect with what you’re trying to accomplish. Once you have clear parameters in place, you’ll be able to target the right audience for the campaign.

For example, a campaign that you might create for potential customers that have never visited your ecommerce site before will be different to one that aims to retarget repeat visitors or visitors that came to your website and abandoned their cart.

Working with online fashion boutique Pixie Market with a PPC spend of $1,034.50, we were able to generate revenue of $32,283.13.

Remember, smart PPC campaigns that deliver results are goal-oriented from the very beginning

Customer Focused Social Media

Scroll through social media and it becomes clear that businesses are using social media marketing very differently than in the past. It’s not uncommon to hear that some ecommerce sites get 100% of their sales from Facebook or Instagram.

Today’s social media marketplace works closely with ecommerce website marketing strategies. There has never been a better time to get your brand’s message in front of your ideal audience. By producing engaging social content on a regular basis, viral marketing makes it possible to reach the masses and, ultimately, drive traffic to your website.

You might be asking yourself what content you should be producing. One area that you might not be using to its full potential is user-generated content. A study by Yotpo found that Instagram photos from customers increase trust and conversions. Almost 77% of the users they sampled said they preferred user-generated content. You can start taking advantage of user-generated content by running a contest or hosting a “takeover.” Get creative!

Want more ideas to improve your ecommerce marketing strategies?

The strategies shared here are just a few that will help get you started, and there are so many more that could be a perfect solution for your brand. Are you preparing an ecommerce marketing plan for 2019? As a world-class ecommerce agency, we want to brainstorm with you and provide some fresh ideas for your website. Send us an email at [email protected].

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