
Client: Capucinne


Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Shopify

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Fine Jewelry, Jewelry

Case Summary: This top-rated fine jeweler offers customized pieces made with conflict-free diamonds. After 8 months with us, Capucinne has experienced a 127% increase in their ecommerce conversion rate along with a 68% increase in organic revenue, from $42k to $70k.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Capucinne started as a successful Etsy shop in 2011, but wanted to see that success translate on their stand alone website. They sought a clear and sustainable raise in site traffic and as well as sales.

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We started our work for this fine jeweler by selecting keywords and writing optimized copy, fixing internal links, and obtaining online PR links. We also set up Google Ads and Facebook Ads to drive more traffic to their site.

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Compared to last year, after 8 months of working with us, they have seen their organic ecommerce conversion rate increase by 127%, transactions increase by 75%, and organic revenue increase by 68% from $42k to $70k. For overall traffic, sessions have increased by 18%, new users have increased by 31%, and overall revenue increased by 13%.

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