Currently Crushing

Currently Crushing

Client: Currently Crushing


Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO, Web Design, Web Development

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Fashion

Case Summary: Impeccable style deserves an immaculate website, and Coalition provided fashion blog Currently Crushing with a sleek WordPress site design and SEO services that set this site on the runway to success.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


This LA fashion blogger came to us looking to improve her on-site SEO. She sought a visually appealing website and blog design, as well as exponential growth in traffic volume. She wanted to grow her audience size as quickly as possible.

Solution Icon


On the SEO side, our team created and published optimized copy for the site, fixed inconsistencies with the social media links on the site, and focused on organic link building efforts; on the design side, we created and implemented a site design board, and on the development side, we developed a WordPress content management system and set the site up with a responsive design.

Result Icon


In one month, the site had 1,806 visits from all sources, of which 74.70% came from new visitors. From only organic sources, there were 950 visits, of which 78.63% came from new visitors.

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