Gamill Law homepage screenshot

Gammill Law

Client: Gammill Law


Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO, Web Design, Web Development

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Law & Government

Case Summary: We upgraded Gammill Law from a Wix website to a more robust WordPress website to better represent their law office. Gammill also signed on for our SEO services and saw organic sessions increase 122% and lead submissions increase 225% in 8 months.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Gammill Law was seeing hardly any visitors to their Wix website and came to us to increase their web presence with a new WordPress website and organic marketing. They hoped to increase their traffic and gain more submissions through their contact form.

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We planned out a more comprehensive website and professional-looking design. Between our web development and copywriting services, we filled out these new pages with beautiful layouts and keyword-rich text. Our technical SEO team worked closely with the web developers to ensure a website was ready for discovery.

Result Icon


Gammill Law is proud to promote their new, professional website and has seen significant increases in both organic sessions and lead generation. Traffic grew 286% with 122% growth in organic alone. Potential clients submitted more inquiries yielding 225% growth in form submissions.

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