Casa Teresa homepage screenshot

Casa Teresa

Client: Casa Teresa


Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Hospitality & Travel, Real Estate

Case Summary: This luxury villa is located in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica and is available to rent. It is the newest house located right on the beach with amenities that include massages, helicopter tours, and surf lessons. After a year with us, their organic traffic increased by 541% with organic goal completions increasing by 192%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


Casa Teresa came to us wanting to establish a presence on search engines and receive bookings directly through them as they previously had been using an outside booking service.

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As part of our real estate SEO strategy, we wrote optimized copy focused around heavily researched keywords, created PR opportunities to be featured on other sites to help them gain more exposure, and increased page load speed for their home and category pages. We also fixed 404 errors, fixed issues with their contact form, and have been working to create pages for all of the luxury services they offer.

Result Icon


After starting with us 1 year ago, yearly organic traffic increased by 541% with organic goal completions increasing by 192% . All sessions increased by 198% and organic new users increased by 588%.

From the beginning of our campaign in July 2019, organic sessions have increased by 3,200%, goal completions are up by 59%, and organic new users grew 5,271%. Overall traffic has also increased by 390% in this time period.

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