Just Men’s Shoes

Client: Just Men’s Shoes

URL: www.justmenshoes.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Shopify

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Fashion, Footwear

Case Summary: This men’s footwear retailer offers high fashion without breaking the bank. They are known for their top-quality materials and variety of styles for all occasions. After a year with us, Just Men’s Shoes has seen a 567% increase in revenue and a 388% increase in users to their website.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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After starting as a wholesale B2B, Just Men’s Shoes came to us looking to improve their B2C site and increase organic traffic along with overall revenue. They were interested in using SEO services to improve their website and see what we could do to optimize their conversion rate.

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Some of the work we have completed so far for this men’s shoes company include implementing an automated chat box to answer customer questions, making multiple design updates to their homepage, and compressing images that were too large to improve page load speed. We also wrote optimized copy, added payment option icons to the footer, fixed broken internal links, and obtained online PR link opportunities.

Result Icon


Since they started with us in August 2020, Just Men’s Shoes has experienced a 388% increase in users with a 463% increase in new users. Organic users have increased by 288% in this time period. Overall revenue has increased by 567% with a 398% increase in transactions.

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