Extreme Sport WannaBes

Client: Extreme Sport WannaBes

URL: wannabes.life

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Shopify

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Computers & Electronics, Sports & Outdoors

Case Summary: This company provides action camera chin mounts to extreme sports enthusiasts. After 4 months with us, Extreme Sport WannaBes organic traffic increase by 53,400% and organic revenue increased by 100%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Extreme Sport WannaBes came to us looking to establish a strong foothold in SERP rankings. They wanted to see an increase in traffic and revenue through our partnership.

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Some of the tasks we have completed so far includes obtaining online PR article opportunities, writing optimized copy with focused keywords, and helping them add videos to their product pages. We also implemented local business markup, updated the blog landing page, and created alt text for images that were missing it.

Result Icon


After 4 months with us, compared to last year, all traffic sessions increased by 1,833% and all revenue increased by 100%. Organic sessions increased by 53,400% with organic revenue increasing by 100%.

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