Outdoor Photo Gear

Client: Outdoor Photo Gear

URL: www.outdoorphotogear.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: BigCommerce

Services Provided: SEO, Web Design, Web Development

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Hobbies & Leisure, Sports & Outdoors

Case Summary: This photography supplier focuses on their love of the outdoors. They carry all of the gear amateur and professional photographers need to record their adventures. They approached Coalition looking for both a new website and SEM work through a retainer. Within two months, we had increased their organic revenue by 52.32%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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This outdoor photography supplier needed a website that would share their passion not only for capturing the world’s most beautiful sites, but one that would bring in like-minded customers. They turned to us to build their website and complete search engine marketing efforts to increase their traffic. Coalition worked hard to capture their ideals and provide results.

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In addition to building and launching their site, our SEO team provided added adjustments to increase their search rankings. We got rid of duplicate copy, added keywords in all headings, added banner images on product pages, and wrote copy for guest posts on their blog to name just a few improvements. We also began a Google Ads campaign focused on their top keywords.

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After two months, Outdoor Photo Gear saw increases in organic data including conversion rate (61.51%), transactions (45%), and revenue (52.32%). We also saw increases in average session duration (25.95%) and the bounce rate improved (decreased) by 37.75%.

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