Sew Perfect Design Co.

Client: Sew Perfect Design Co.

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Shopify

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Clothing, Fashion

Case Summary: This customized medical apparel company offers personalized embroidery so that health care professionals can show off their line of work. After just 6 months with us, Sew Perfect has experienced a 63% increase in overall sales and a 81% increase in organic revenue month over month.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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When they came to us, this personalized embroidery company wanted to see an increase in sales and in their keyword rankings, as well as move off of Etsy.

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Some of the tasks we have completed include writing optimized copy with their niche keywords, obtaining PR opportunities, and we also wrote optimized copy specifically for their products on Amazon. We also implemented complete product schema, implemented breadcrumbs, and added static content to the mobile and desktop homepages to improve load times.

Result Icon


Six months after starting with us, this healthcare embroidery company saw a 63% increase in overall sales month over month, a 48% increase in overall revenue, a 100% increase in organic transactions, and 81% increase in organic revenue.

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