Whitetail Woodcrafters

Client: Whitetail Woodcrafters

URL: www.whitetailwc.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Gifts, Home Decor, Shopping

Case Summary: This craftsmen site offers personalized gifts and wooden engravings for a variety of occasions and recipients. After just 10 months with us, sessions have increase 35% and overall revenue has increased by 25% month over month.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Whitetail Woodcrafters came to us looking to see an increase in their site’s revenue. The wanted to beat the revenue coming in from their Etsy store, and wanted to see more traffic to their main site. They especially wanted to see an increase in their sales on wedding gifts and awards.

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We have written optimized copy, pursued online PR opportunities, and redirected category pages that were showing the wrong page. We also added no index tags due to duplicate copy issues, fixed cart issues, and enabled abandoned cart emails.

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After 10 months with us, organic transactions increased by 41% month over month, resulting in a 10% increase in organic revenue. Overall sessions increased by 35% in this same time period, while overall new users increased by 47%. There was a 23% increase in overall transactions, resulting in a 25% increase in overall monthly revenue.

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