Wildly Organic

Client: Wildly Organic

URL: wildlyorganic.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Shopify

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Food & Beverage

Case Summary: This independent organic food company promotes happier and healthier lives through their natural ingredients. Having been with us for 2 years, they have seen a Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) of 6,100%, with a spend of $2,188 resulting in a revenue of $134,115.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Wildly Organic came to us looking to increase their traffic, improve their conversion rate, and grow their business. They also wanted to promote their proprietary products and see their keyword rankings improve.

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Some of the tasks we have completed so far for this organic food company include writing and launching targeted Google Ads, writing optimized copy, and updating their homepage design. We have also found and fixed missing product images on home and category pages and updated promotional banners and codes.

Result Icon


Having been with us for 2 years, they have seen a Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) of 6,100%, with a spend of $2,188 resulting in a revenue of $134,115. Organic traffic also made up 50% of all traffic to their site.

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