Seattle Web Design Services

Coalition Technologies has developed a cohesive group of service areas that can improve your Washington state business’ presence online. We’ve hired the most knowledgeable and talented people in each of these areas, and have tasked them with the responsibility of ensuring that they’re on the cutting edge of their fields. By being able to assemble the right pieces into an operational strategy with a singular focus, we can deliver the best possible results at a highly competitive price.

Custom Website Design

Our web designers and web developers are experienced working with HTML, CSS, MySQL, PHP,, MS SQL, C#, Javascript, Ajax, JQUERY, CMS systems such as WordPress or Drupal. They’re also capable graphic designers who have an expert understanding and familiarity with best practice marketing techniques that meet Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Along with our Tacoma based business consultant, they can help you strategize, custom build, and develop an ecommerce site or e-commerce store that is securely hosted, with conversion optimization sales techniques built in. They’re also very skilled working with other ecommerce platforms such as BigCommerce, Shopify, Magento, ZenCart, or NOPCommerce.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Picking a talented search engine optimization or SEO consulting team can be one of the most valuable investments a business can make. Picking a poor SEO partner can have serious detriments to your site ranking and profitability. Our founder was head of the SEO department for one of the largest web marketing firms on the planet. While there he worked for clients such as Nike, Walmart, HP, and Fortune 500 companies. We’re always carefully observing Google and Bing’s search algorithms, testing the various factors that affect ranking, and ensuring we are in full compliance with their Webmaster Guidelines.

Reputation Management

There can be very things more embarrassing than having a negative article associated with your name, or your business’ name, ranking highly in search results. Can you afford to have your clients seeing disparaging reviews, competitor’s criticisms, and outright slanderous accusations showing up on the first page of Google? For most businesses, business owners, and corporate officers the answer is no. Coalition Technologies works actively with King County and Pierce County law firms, public relations firms, and PR departments to improve their clients’ image positively online.

Paid Advertising (PPC)

Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other major search providers offer paid advertising avenues that a business can use to get increased exposure, regional expansion, and product awareness. Most often these search engines use a bidding system that uses a number of quality factors to determine cost and advertising prominence. Because of the complexity and competitiveness of pay per click advertising in systems like Adwords, most businesses are better served by hiring an experienced and knowledgeable advertising firm like Coalition Technologies to manage their campaigns. We can target your ads to your service neighborhood. Are you a contractor doing general repairs in Kent? Or a law firm near the airport? We can build a profitable PPC campaign that draws consumers from Kent, Renton, Des Moines, Covington, Auburn, or Tukwila.

Social Media Marketing

By now we’ve all heard of a business or product ‘going viral’. Most of those success stories have effectively leveraged Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Foursquare, or Color to get in front of larger audiences and use word of mouth to increase their following. Do you think you have a product or SeaTac area business that would be served by social media marketing or viral marketing? Let our consultants explain the most successful ways to increase your profile and attention online.

Branding & Business Consulting

Do you know what the unspoken messages your company identity is sending to its potential clients? Do you know if those messages are having an impact with your core demographics? Are you concerned about going online and how you’re choosing to invest your money? Not certain if your existing business model fits the expectations of a mobile, web enabled generation? Do your competitors seem to be out performing and outpacing you? Not sure how they are achieving those results? Coalition has three business consultants, all University of Washington Seattle campus graduates, who can help to guide your company as it seeks to evolve with changing times.