Coalition opens a Seattle Web Design Company

Coalition in Seattle

Coalition is going home, or visiting home, or getting a vacation home. In Seattle!

Joel moved the company to Los Angeles because of the incredible start up scene, and the need for skilled marketers familiar with ways of integrating businesses online. Located in Venice now, he’s found it to be exactly what he thought. Now accustomed to sunshine and a nearby beach, he’s not moving back northward.

Instead, I get to be the company’s emissary to Seattle, once home, now home again for Coalition Technologies.

We’ll be offering the same full line of internet marketing that we did in LA, just from a colder, grayer, and more intelligent city  (can you tell I’m biased?). Surprisingly, I think we have less hipsters here, despite the mammoth coffee house scene. I was shocked by how everyone dressed up for everything in LA. There was no regular guys strolling on the streets- everyone seemed like a Glee cast member (still biased, I am).  We’ll be doing PPC (pay per click), SEO, SEM, web design, and business and SEO consulting.

If you’re up here, in the green, non-smogged, NW, then give us a call.

Looking passed the Space Needle to Mt. Rainier
Seattle’s skyline- smog free (that haze is natural cloud cover)

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