Centurion Lifestyle

Client: Centurion Lifestyle

URL: centurionlifestyle.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce, Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Autos & Vehicles, Hospitality & Travel

Case Summary: This luxury rental service offers everything from luxury cars to yachts to private jets. Within six months of Coalition’s SEO services, they saw a 248% increase in traffic and a 2,700% increase in car reservations.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Moncef came to us in August of 2017 through a referral. After hearing about the outstanding results we had achieved and learning more about us, he knew we were a fit. He wanted to improve the quality of his site to increase revenue.

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After completing an initial technical analysis,we secured the site by transitioning from http to https, added a sitemap, and wrote optimized copy, among others. We also updated the entire site’s look as we created new pages and optimized images.

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After only five months into our SEO campaign, Centurion Lifestyle saw 138.07% growth in monthly organic traffic and a 2,700% increase in car reservations compared to the previous month. Moreover, new site users grew by 184.23%. By the sixth month, we increased Centurion Lifestyles organic sessions by 248% and quadrupled their new organic users.

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