Carex screenshot

Compass Health Brands (Carex)

Client: Compass Health Brands (Carex)


Website Focus: Ecommerce, Lead Generation

Website Platform: Shopify

Services Provided: Web Design, Web Development

Business Type: Business to Business, Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Business & Industrial, Health & Beauty, Office Supplies & Equipment

Case Summary: Carex, an online store selling home medical equipment, wanted to overhaul their website in order to get new clients such as caregivers and grow their revenue. Find out how Coalition helped revive their website and improve conversions.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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The Carex website is an ecommerce and lead generation website focused on products such as wheelchairs, knee scooters, raised toilet seats, etc. They decided to work with us in order to keep costs down and free up their internal team for other projects / needs.

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Coalition built the site on Shopify and updated their UX. Our team made sure that their website was mobile responsive and user-friendly, that users were able to navigate the website easily, and that key products were highlighted. We also included videos and specification PDFs in product pages, set up PayPal as a payment method, and created a Manual Shipping Table.

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Carex received positive comments from not only customers and distributors, but also their internal team about their new top-of-the-line Shopify site. Website visitors were able to find products easily, thus helping improve conversions and sales.

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