
Client: Polymershapes

URL: www.polymershapes.com

Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Business

Client Industry: Business & Industrial

Case Summary: This plastic fabrication and distribution company has been in the business for 75 years now and has 75 locations nationwide. After over a year with us, year to date, they have seen a 645% increase in organic sessions and a 516% increase in overall sessions.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


Polymershapes came to us looking to see their business grow, see their rankings go up for their Southern California location, and see their traffic increase. They also wanted to gain quality leads to achieve their main goal of more revenue.

Solution Icon


So far we have written optimized copy, obtained online PR opportunities, and built landing pages. We have also embedded a video in the About Us page, redirected broken links, and added schema markups where missing.

Result Icon


After over a year with us, Polymershapes has seen a 223% increase in organic sessions year over year. They also saw an 89% increase in overall sessions in that same time period. Year to date, they have seen a 645% increase in organic sessions and a 516% increase in overall sessions.

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