Sensually Yours

Client: Sensually Yours


Website Focus: Ecommerce

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Vices, Adult

Case Summary: Founded in 1984, this sex toy company began as an at-home party company in Hawaii. They relaunched their online store in 2019 to attract a wider customer base. Eight months after starting with us, organic revenue has increased by 2,346% with organic transactions increasing by 1,567%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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After relaunching their online store in 2019, they came to us four months later to help them improve their conversions and get noticed. They were especially focused on running successful Ad campaigns due to the restrictions around their industry.

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To help them achieve these goals, we have written optimized copy, created PR opportunities that are now published, and began running Google Ads campaigns. We have also added products to the category pages, fixed redirect issues that happened before we began our work, and updated robots.txt.

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After working with us for 8 months, compared to last year, organic sessions improved 46%. Overall, the site received 146% more sessions, increasing from 2,641 sessions this year to 6,494 this year and attracted 110% more new users. Organic revenue is up by 2,346%, with organic transactions increasing by 1,567%. Overall revenue up by 2,258%, increasing from $737 in revenue last year to $17,364 this year and overall transactions increased by 1,543%.

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