
Client: Alcatraz


Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Business

Client Industry: Software

Case Summary: This facial authentication company uses facial recognition to help businesses maintain security. After a year with our SEO and PPC services, Alcatraz has seen a 400% increase in organic goal completions with a 87% increase in yearly organic traffic.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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When they came to us, Alcatraz was looking for more qualified organic leads, an increase in keyword rankings, and an increase in brand recognition. As a startup, they wanted to gain momentum quickly and see an upward trajectory in their sales figures.

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Some of the work we have done so far for this facial recognition company includes writing optimized copy with focused keywords, obtaining online PR article links and mentions, and consistently working to improve page load speed times. We have also created a Tailgating landing page, fixed typos and errors on their site, and implemented submission forms on service pages.

Result Icon


Having been with us for just over a year, Alcatraz has seen their organic traffic increase by 87% with goal completions increasing by 400% year over year. Organic new users have also increased by 108% during this time period. Overall traffic has increased by 24% and goal completions have increased by 275% over the last year.

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